

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hope emerges

First, let me thank you all for the "LOVE BOMB". It was amazing and meant so much to all of us! I had no idea that such an organization existed, so thanks so much. The last few days the social worker, Mike, and Jordan have been at work finding an appropriate facility for Michael. He will be transferred to Touchstone in Conroe, TX Monday morning [yeah]. Today, he is getting the second round of Cytoxan [yeah]. I dare to hope! Please pray that this will be the place where he can heal and recover. Let me finish on a funny note. About a week into his stay at the hospital, they decided to put him in a vale bed[netting enclosing the bed]. Overnight he managed to systematically tear it down and then helped to carry it out of his room, saying, I think I did something bad. we kind of love that fight and determination in him! That is our "Michael Sluder". Post by Mom


  1. Praying to have more of our "Michael Sluder" back. xoxo

  2. Praying for all of you! Bobby and Lana Huff

  3. Hallelujah for Hope, what a wonderful gift!!! Loved reading this story about Michael's true personality pushing thru!!! Still praying for your family :)

  4. Please check Dr. Daniel Amen's website. He is a psychiatrist specializing in how the brain affects people. He deals with brain injury and other related things. It is certainly worth a try. He has helped Iraq vets with their traumatic brain injury and former foot ball players with brain injuries that were once thought hopeless. He is a master at figuring out how the brain affects people's behaviour. He has clinics in different parts of the U.S. Here is his website:
    Good luck to you all and may God bless you.

  5. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you. It's hard to know what to say, but we keep up with the blog and pray for bright days ahead. If we can help with anything just let us know. Larry and Marti

  6. This is good news about the new facility. May this be the place that will help Michael to recover completely. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
