

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Michael is scheduled to have surgery for friday. He has had a complication and they need to go in and repair some parts. Just another fringe benefit of his situation.

Other news is that he is going to undergo a regime of treatments for the NMDA problem. A test came back positive again and the treatment is basically a type of chemo. It may help him to get better sooner, and should not hurt him. We will begin that treatment in about 3 weeks after he gets over the surgery.

Other than that Michael is doing pretty well. He has made improvements in many areas, but not as rapid as I had hoped. Maybe the NMDA treatments will help. I still hold a lot of hope for my young man.



  1. I love you guys! I sent something from the post office yesterday, they said you should get it tomorrow or Friday! :)

  2. The Missouri part of your family has been following the updates regarding Michael and we want you to know that we are keeping him and your family in our thoughts and prayers. It must seem incredibly hard right now, but keep holding onto your faith and hope. God does answer prayer, sometimes it takes a while before we see the answer. Sending our love to you! Carol, Cate, Karen and Jim (The Clayman Crew)
