

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dont be Afraid

Michael is getting the kitchen sink thrown at him as far as treatments. The doctors here are confering with lots of other experts and are determined to get to the bottom of what has been causing Michael's sickness. It is complicated and I cannot begin to go into all the considerations, but they are continuing to dig and have a couple of new insights that has them hopeful. If they are hopeful, I am all for it. His case has been anything but conventional and we are definitely getting outside of the box. We don't care as long as it is effective.

We are seeing some definite improvements. Physically he is beginning to gain strength. We took a walk last night. His gait is normal and he is just still weak. He also has taken to playing toss with a ball around the room. He has his old Hurricanes QB arm coming back! It won't be long before he will difficult to contain in a hospital room. Good problem to have.

He is also much more alert and aware. He is nodding his head to questions and seems to know exactly what you are telling him. He lets loose with a few words and answers sometimes when you don't expect it. He also got frustrated today when he couldn't get up and let loose with a 'dammit'. His determination is high and will see him through.

Aunt Peg came in from Michigan for a few days. Michael greeted her with a smile! She said he loved the hand massages she gave him. He gets quite a bit of pampering. Rosi gives him a foot cleaning and massage every day along with a shampoo. I give the shave. He loves all of it and it relaxes him. Of course, we enjoy making him feel good as he has been put through the wringer.

We are moving into a larger apartment tomorrow and settling in for the long haul here. We want an extra room for visitors and for Michael when he gets better.

Enough for today. It was a good weekend.

Oh yea, the Dont be Afraid title is what we tell Michael in those moments when he looks overwhelmed and frightened. He had a dream the other day and was laughing and smiling during his dream, but when he woke and realized he was in a hospital he looked frightened. We asked him if he was afraid and he nodded his head yes. We held him close and told him not to be afraid, that we were there and everything is going to be OK. He likes to be held sometimes.

"When the whole world is saying its over, the Master says No, I have just begun. Don't be afraid." (youtube "Don't be Afraid", by The Cathedrals)
Thanks, Butch.


  1. It's so, so wonderful of you guys to keep us all updated so frequently :) I think about Michael everyday and admire the tremendous amount of strength you all have during this time. I've always noticed that sense of strength shining so brightly from Michael for as long as I've known him, which is why I have complete faith in him making his way back.

    Just from reading this blog, there's no doubt in my mind that Michael could have anyone there by his side who is more loving and devoted as you all. It's so uplifting and refreshing to read all of the heartwarming things you write about Michael. Your entire family is quite an inspiration. :) My thoughts are with you guys every single day.


  2. Progress is sometimes slow - but sure. One of my favorite sayings is: "Everything will be fine in the end. If it's not yet fine, it's not yet the end". Keep the faith - prayers coming your way daily.

