

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday?

The SuperBowl is today in Dallas. Doesn't mean much to me. Our family focus is on one thing and that is getting Michael better. We wouldn't be much fun at any parties anyway. Still, I hope the Packers win because the Steelers fans are about as abnoxious as they come! I make this entry because it will serve as a milestone in the future with which we can readily associate his progress.

No entries since thursday cause we haven't seen much change. Michael is receiving medication to treat possible HSV and Receptor E until the tests results come back in. The care here is excellent and he is clean and cared for.

The next step will be to have a plasma transfer beginning some time next week. This is sort of a dialysis of the blood to remove the offending antibodies. It takes place with several treatments over about a nine day period. Results of this treatment aren't final, but are generally considered to be very effective. If Michael had not had previous damage then I believe he would have had a strong chance to see a short recovery. But my fear is that the damage due to this entire process will leave a long tough road ahead. I have the strongest faith in my son to battle anything that comes his way and he will do his part, but right now he needs a break.

He hasn't really spoken anything for a few days now and when he is awake we don't get a lot of response from him. It seems we have retreated a long way in the last three weeks. This new phase is quite different from the last and his motor skills are being affected along with the speech. It seems a double whammy of the worst kind and to be honest Rose and I are quite discouraged. When are the hits going to stop?

Thank you all for checking on Michael. I wish I had better news but right now we are in a holding pattern and fear is battling hope. It seems every time we get a sliver of hope going it is dashed by events. We feel like folks that have been bitten a few times and are very wary of setting any expectations. We will deal with this one day at a time and I will keep my hopes close to myself for now.

Of course, all Michael will see are smiling faces and encouragement, which are reserved for him.


  1. Sending lots of love and y'all<3

  2. Thanks Mike and Rosi for including us in your personal paths to Michael's recovery. I can only imagine the daily struggles for the three of you right now. I believe strongly that Michael will come back to you; the plasma treatment sounds promising and the brain is an amazing thing. We continue to pray for all of you.

  3. Mike and Rosa,
    You don’t know my husband, or me, but I check the blog every day…sometimes several times a day…for word of Michael and your family. I often read the postings aloud to Gary in the evenings. This journey (and journal) of yours has touched us in ways I never imagined. We hurt for you, we pray for you, we weep when the news is discouraging, and we cheer when things are looking brighter.
    I read the fear, frustration, and discouragement in your post and I guess I just want you to know that there are (at least a couple) more people than you may realize pulling and praying for all of you. I don’t know that that helps in the immediate “now,” but, at times, it might help a small bit to know that there are a few extra silent hugs, positive thoughts, and powerful prayers being sent your way.
    Becky Arrants

  4. Thank you, Becky. It does help. Mike
