

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Code 8!

Mike and I were at CNS yesterday for a counseling appointment at departure time for the residents. While in the lobby, we heard " Code 8 in parking lot" and immediately rushed out, and of course, it was Michael trying to leave. We can at least chuckle about it now. It will make it so much easier when his memory comes back, so he realizes why he is there. Yesterday was a pretty good day. He is able to complete his therapy sessions. His speech is also coming back- slowly. It sounds like the therapists are quite fond of him, which makes me feel better. The Doctor is tweaking his meds which hopefully will help lesson the outbursts. We are a little concerned about his ankles. He went to the emergency room last Thursday night due to very swollen ankles. The Doc there said he has a skin infection due to a wound on his ankle, but so far the swelling hasn't gone down. His ability to fight off infection is compromised due to his immune system. We will be touching base with the Doctor tomorrow. Back to Michael's memory. If anyone would like to help jog his memory, I have an idea! The walls of his bedroom are stark except for the collages Maise made for him. Who wants to help decorate Michael's room?!!!!!!!!He needs reminders of his life. Here are some ideas..... PICTURES BLOWN UP TO POSTER SIZE COLLAGES OF MICHAEL,FRIENDS,FAMILY,PAST EVENTS,OR PLACES HE HAS BEEN A POSTER OF A FAVORITE BAND [his friends would know] ALSO A VIDEO OR DVD MADE JUST FOR HIM TO WATCH EVERY DAY - familiar faces and voices might help bring his memory back. We played the graduation video that Lisa made and he was mesmerized by it. So friends and family, be creative and lets bring SLUDER back!!!!! When this is over and Michael starts his life again, I imagine everything that you contribute will be priceless to him. This is our new address: 14700 Marsh Lane APT 113 Addison, TX 75001 Thanks Mom [Nosey Rosi]


  1. I'll start looking through some family pictures.
    Love y'all,
    Aunt Roma

  2. Here are some pictures Dale had, she made a flickr page so we could all see them. Michael being Michael : )
