

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I went to the CNS center to ride the van back with Michael to see if it would have a calming effect on him. Sometimes he gets highly agitated doing this activity, so we thought it was worth a try. He was fine on the ride back, but was dozing. When I asked him if he was tired he said "no" like it was a ridiculous question. He started talking about his "Dad" and asked if the bus driver was his dad. I said no, and asked if he knew who I am. He shrugged his shoulders and said no. I managed to hold it together until I got back in my car, but the realization that my son doesn't know me is unbearable.

1 comment:

  1. Mike - You hang in there! That is just one moment. In so many other moments he knows exactly who you are! I've seen it for myself, even a few weeks ago when I was there and Michael was at a much lower point, you have such a warm, calming effect over him. It's truly an incredible thing to witness!!! From the outside looking in we can all see this amazing bond that the two of you have!

    He's in there Mike and he's fighting his way back. So hang in there because one day you'll walk up to him and he'll say "Hey Pops"!

    Love you!
    Lisa P
