

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Our support

Mr. Sluder's post is an accurate representation of my experience in Dallas.
Spending every single day with Michael like Mr. Sluder and Rosi do must drain every ounce of their energy and emotional reserve - a constant reminder of Michael’s tragic state. I absolutely cannot begin to imagine their impossible position, and agree that posting on the blog is only an added expectation and burden. We should honor that. They have been so selfless through this whole process and it is up to the rest of us to step up right now, continuing to push him, love him, believe in him, and most importantly to recognize him as... well... Michael. We will all experience doubts and fears, and ups and downs, but we hold on to hope because we have to.

We can’t afford to look at the big picture right now- 6 months ago vs. today. We must look at small improvements he makes, however minimal.
In my short time with him and sporadic phone conversations, he has improved. His conversational skills are noticeably better than one month ago when I was in Dallas. It is a step forward.

I know this journey has been 1 step forward two steps back, 1 step forward 10 steps back... but it’s not even close to over.
There is ABSOLUTELY still hope for improvement.

Perhaps I will post short updates once every few weeks if the blog stays alive. I plan to spend a few weeks in Dallas next month. Hopefully good things to report after that.

This blog has over 30,000 views.
I know there are people reading this, hoping and praying for Michael and his family whom they will never even meet. Thank you so much for keeping the light.
Let’s try and spread it. 


send him goodies!! pictures!! Sports magazines!! posters!!
14700 Marsh Lane APT 113
Addison, TX 75001


  1. You are an angel. Michael is so lucky to have you as his friend. I will never quit praying for them.
    Aunt Roma

  2. Thank you Maisie, you are the best!

  3. As a parent, I can only imagine what darkness Mike and Rosi are living through. They need our help to get through this journey with Michael. There is a world, literally, of people praying every day for the Sluder family. We will lift them up and give them the strength they need.

  4. I am a nurse who took care of Michael at Vandy. Due to the extraordinary care and love by his parents, I still think of Michael. I wish I was in Texas so I could give both of them hugs. They are amazing individuals and have an amazing son.

