

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Connect Four

Had a good visit this afternoon with Michael. Patrick and I took dinner over, met a friend of Michael's coming out. He had been really cranky today. He is frustrated, stir crazy, and keeps looking for his stuff. One of the biggest frustrations is his inability to communicate what he wants. The words come out wrong, so we have to guess. I wish so much that I knew what he wanted so that I could get it for him!

Anyways, it is hard to be mean to a 6-year old that only wants to love and play with you, even for Michael. He is sweet with the boys, and seemed to cheer up when Patrick was around. I got him to play Connect Four with me, and he totally kicked my butt! He would drop the last piece in and say "Aannnd... I win." The brain is an amazing thing. He can quickly figure out how to beat me at a game, but does not know my name. He can do simple math, but can not read.

This continues to be a tough time for everyone in my family. I appreciate everyone's concern, but I honestly don't know how to answer the question "How is Michael?" The best I got is that we are praying, waiting, and trying to celebrate the little victories.

1 comment:

  1. Mike and Rosie, I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face as I write to you. I have come thru some tradigies in my life with my children (death,illness etc) but this is so terrible for you. I love you all and only wish I lived closer so I could come in and just help you by cleaning, cooking, etc. but unfortunately I am far away and old (78) and all I can do is pray that things will improve. I have Michael on the prayer list at church and we pray for him constantly. Rosie and Mike He will get better, I just know it. Love to all my family
