

Monday, January 31, 2011

A New Development

Well, this has been a crazy day. Mom got a call this morning from the neurologist at Vandy that Michael orignally saw earlier this month. Apparently she had ordered a test done that takes 2 weeks to get back. Michael tested positive for a whole new type of encephalitis. It is called NMDA-receptor encephalitis. You can read about it here. It is extremely rare, just categorized in 2007. Mostly women get it.

Sooo, this brings all kinds of questions, which we do not have the answers to yet. He has been moved to a hospital in Dallas and will be receiving treatment there. It is an entirely different treatment than what he has received for the HSV E.

Dad is with him, mom is on her way as I write this. My feelings are mixed- frustrated that he is back in yet another hospital, exhausted that this roller coaster seems to keep going and going, and hopeful that this is the answer we have been praying for. If he can be successfully treated for NMDA E, he has better chances of recovering than he did with HSV E. It could explain why he has not gotten better. Again, waiting to see what happens.


  1. Praying that this is the uphill of the roller coaster ride...thank goodness that this form is more treatable.

  2. wow. a rollercoaster indeed. praying and thinking of you all..

  3. Hope the new diagnosis will lead to better results. The nurses here at Vandy are still thinking about him. From the hugs to the soulful look in his eyes, you could tell he is a wonderful and caring person. Also, he had the best support system that I have ever seen in my experience as a nurse.

    I have good feelings about this change. It is always good when the doctors actually know what to treat

  4. Anne! I knew there was a reason you were my favorite nurse. Thank you for this sweet comment.

  5. If I had to be on this roller coaster I'd already thrown up on every person around me! I hope it's all downhill from here. At least there is a new diagnosis and new hope.
