

Friday, January 7, 2011

What's Up, Doc?

Just talked to mom, they went for their first visit with the neurologist at Vanderbilt. Mom and Dad really liked her. She feels that Michael has made good improvements based on his records from Emory. This is hard for those of us that are with him a lot to see, so good to hear from the doctor.  He was able to follow all of her instructions (Point your toes, follow my finger with your eyes, hold up 3 fingers, etc.) which he could not do at all at Emory. He told her "What I think you don't know is that I'm a really smart guy. I know what the heck is going on, so.....frizzle." Haha. That is mostly right.

The best news of the day is that she pulled the hated PICC line! Michael was egging her on, saying "Pull it! Pull it!" :) He was really not a fan of that thing. She said he had received the maximum recommended time of the acyclovir, so he is done with that. This is great because he will be able to have more mobility and not have to be watched quite as closely (He was constantly trying to pull it out....). Hopefully he will be able to get out of the house more now.

Michael will start speech therapy twice a week next week at Vandy, and will have tests run to check on his brain's progress.

On a side note, the meals have been incredible for my parents and an enormous help. Thank you so much to those who have brought food and are signed up to do that in the coming weeks. Also, Michael's friends have been awesome and a lifesaver for my parents. You guys are amazing!

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