

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Please hold

Today, Michael was supposed to start a new job here in Nashville. This past weekend, he was supposed to be moving here and hosting a bachelor party for a good friend. Last night, he was supposed to be a groomsman in the wedding.

We are determined to stay optimistic about Michael's condition and have faith that he will recover, but if there is anything to learn in all this, it is that there are no guarantees. Jordan and I talked tonight about how hard it is to see on facebook or attempt conversations about normal life with people. It is not their fault, but people do not understand how an event like this puts everything else on hold. I am home now, because I have two little boys who need their mommy to celebrate Christmas the way they deserve, a job that I am committed to, and a home to take care of. But my heart is not in it. I am living hour to hour, day to day, praying without ceasing that my baby brother will be himself again. It is not guaranteed.

We have attempted to fill this blog with stories of progress and optimism, because that is all that we can do. There are positives to focus on:

Michael was found before he slipped into a coma and died.
His condition was detected quickly enough to begin treatment at a hospital that specializes in neurosciences.
He has a great support system of family that has never left him alone and is staying on top of his care (just ask Dad about how I "fired" one of the nurses...)
He continues to make medical improvements daily.
We are seeing slight improvements in memory and speech and thought processing.
Michael is young, strong, and a fighter.

But, to be honest, there are a lot of uncertainties, a lot of scary outcomes, and a long road ahead of Michael to get him back where he was. This is not an overnight thing. Please pray for Michael. I am a believer that God has a plan, that he works for our good in all things, and I know from experience that He can turn any bad situation into something miraculous. But it sure doesn't hurt to keep asking. Until then, we are holding.

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