

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some progress..

I'm on the midnight Sludog Millionaire shift. Michael's been sleeping for most of the night, but he got up to use the restroom a few minutes ago with almost no assistance. He told me he had to go, went, and even flushed and put down the toilet seat after he was finished. He's still can't find the right words to express himself, is confused as to why he's at the hospital, and is anxious to leave (yet calm). I explained to him why we had to be there and that I wasn't sure when we would leave. After I finished, he rolled over, closed his eyes and said to me loud and clear: "It's not fair."
No, it isn't. Hang in there broheim.


  1. Hello Sluder family - I am a friend of Tara's (Aaron's cousin). Just wanted to let ya'll know that you are in my prayers and also - my mother-in-law (53 yrs old - marathoner - perfect health) was diagnosed with a 1 in 10 million disease about 6 months ago that has proved to be life altering. She has made miraculous improvements so much that the Mayo Clinic has interns writting papers about her...but her blog sign off is inspiring in situations like Michaels. After every update she writes..."God's Got This" and I felt it might help get you guys through some tough posts. Your family is in my prayers & don't forget "God's Got This!"
    Stacy W.

  2. its great to see progress. something as simple as remembering to put the toilet seat down is a great sign. habits are coming back. i hope michael's frustration eases. i think a visit or a picture of maui and moe would bring a big smile. i cant wait to give him a hug. michael needs to remember, slow and steady wins the race. he can take all the time he needs. everyone is here for him and awaiting his glorious return! love u michael
